Truelayer is an Open Banking API with more than 2000+ banks in Europe and increasing coverage everyday for global reach.
You must register for TrueLayer prior to pulling banking data.
There are two options for this: you may register via Codat, or you may have an existing TrueLayer registration. Both options are outlined here.
Option 1: Register with TrueLayer via Codat
In order to integrate with TrueLayer a commercial agreement must be signed:
- Reach out to your account manager at Codat to notify your intent to use TrueLayer. You will be sent an additional agreement, which needs to be signed before you can start accessing TrueLayer data.
- Once the agreement is signed, Codat will notify TrueLayer and you will be asked to create a TrueLayer developer account, confirming the email address it is registered under.
- Codat Support will send confirmation to you once TrueLayer has given the go-ahead.
- Finally, complete the integration Configuration.
Option 2: Existing TrueLayer registration
If you have an existing TrueLayer registration, you can move straight to the configuration.
1. Retrieve application keys
To retrieve your applications keys (client Id and Client secret) follow our TrueLayer guide.
2. Add your application keys to Codat
Enable the TrueLayer integration and enter your application keys under Banking Integrations on the Codat Portal (more information).
Here you can also select the Banking Sources you want to offer your end customers.
3. Enable TrueLayer
Using the Codat Portal, you have the option to choose which integration should be used for each banking source.
To configure your banking integrations and sources:
- Log in to the Codat Portal.
- OpenIntegrations -> Banking.
- Use theManage button next to each integration to enter your credentials.
- Toggle any integrations you will be using to
- Use theBanking Sources table to select which integration each source should use (or select None) to disable that source.
Codat requires authorisation from the Company sharing their data to establish a connection to their banking data, before data be retrieved.
1. Initiates process
You can build the authorisation process into any stage of your workflow:
- Onboarding form for new customers
- Link from a dashboard for existing clients
It’s recommended to capture at least Company Name at the initial stage.
2. Link Site
The authorisation is handled via a “Link Site” powered by the Codat API.
Recommended Features:
- List of banking sources: selectable list including names and logos of supported providers
- Data Access Guidelines: provide users with visibility of the type of data you will be pulling
- Help and Support: details of support, whether user guides or contact details for your support team.
Display a list of supported banking sources for the end user to choose from. The API provides an endpoint to view your enabled providers and their logoUrl.
Note: Banking integrations have a ‘sourceType’ of Banking.
GET: /integrations
Example Response:
"key": "natwest_uk",
"logoUrl": "",
"name": "NatWest",
"enabled": false,
"sourceId": "41ccee2f-1a79-4e1b-abc8-98b99887b57a",
"integrationId": "268c557b-b2bf-4213-b594-1fb9474cbaf0",
"sourceType": "Banking"
3. Selects banking provider
The user will select their banking source from the list you provide.
Note: if you only plan to offer a single banking source you can bypass the selection stage and hardcode the platformType in the next stage.
4. Request Company creation
POST: /companies
Example body:
"name": "Demo Company",
"platformType": "natwest_uk"
The possible values for platformType are available from the GET /integrations endpoint as the “key” for the relevant banking source. Filter by integrationType to limit to only 'Accounting' or 'Banking' datatypes.
5. Create Company
The key fields from POST /companies are the company id which id the unique company identifier throughout the flow and the redirectUrl.
Example response:
"id": "1234-5678-1234-5678",
"name": "Demo Company",
"platform": "natwest_uk",
"redirect": "",
"status": "PendingAuth",
"dataConnections": [{
"id": "8765-4321-8765-4321",
"integrationId": "8765-4321-8765-4321",
"sourceId": "8765-4321-8765-4321",
"platformName": "NatWest",
"linkUrl": "",
"status": "PendingAuth",
"created": "2020-03-24T18:00:35.2450831Z"
6. Redirected to the banking integration
The Company is redirected to the Banking Integration provider (e.g. TrueLayer) via the linkUrl where they need to authorise the sharing of banking data.
7. Redirected to the banking source
The Company is now re-directed to their banks authorisation page. At this stage the flow is dictated by the banking source and will differ by provider.
8. Authorises connection
Once the connection has been authorised the Company will be redirected to a location of your choice (configurable in the Codat Portal under redirection URL).
9. Synchronises data
By default, the initial synchronisation will begin after successful authorisation.
The process of the sync can be tracked via the Portal or endpoints.
GET: /companies/{companyId}/dataStatus
Additional synchronisation can be scheduled (from hourly to monthly) or requested adhoc via the Codat Portal or endpoints.
POST: /companies/{companyId}/data/queue/{dataType}
Will queue a synchronisation of the specified data type dataType is the key of the data type e.g. invoices.
POST: /companies/{companyId}/data/queue/all
Will queue a synchronisation of all data types supported by linked data connections to this company.
10. Pull data from Codat
The data is now available via the Portal or using the Codat API endpoints (API Explorer)